Friday, July 25, 2008

Leadership Survey's

On any given Sunday we will have 150 to 250 people in church. The majority of those folks are members of First Baptist Church of LaBelle and other dear friends of our church. For a church to work the way the Lord wants it to work it needs each member using the gifts they have in the work of the church. Each year we ask each member and friends of the church to fill out a leadership survey, which tells us which areas you are willing to serve in. Each year we are lucky if we it 25 surveys back from our members. With our building program under way and other new ministries in our church we need to you to work in our church.

We ask each member and friend to fill out a leadership survey and turn it in by Sunday, August 10th. If you don't have a survey to can get one in foyer of the church sanctuary or go to our church web site at and fill out the survey on line. I hope you understand that we need each member and friend of First Baptist Church.

Please be in prayer for our Nominating Committee as they fill the leadership positions of the church.

Jamaica Praise Report

We returned from Jamaica last Friday evening. The Lord truly blessed us in our trip. As we reflect on our trip, we are thankful for all the supporters who prayed and gave sacrificially so we could go to Jamaica. Those who gave to this cause was a vital part of this trip.

This year we served at Emanuel Missionary Church in Mandeville, Jamaica. This church has lost its last two pastors to cancer and is presently searching for another Pastor. We had 173 children enrolled in VBS at this church and this is the most they ever had. We average 169 children each day. At the end of the week we had 63 of those children accept Jesus Christ as there Lord and Savior.

Different members of our team preach at the night services that we had for the teenagers of this church. I preached Sunday night, Paul Martin preached Monday night, Preston Long, Jr., preached Tuesday night, Jeremy Peery preached Wednesday night and Patrick Mylmount preached Thursday night. Each night our mission team sang praise and worship songs under the leadership of Larry Luckey.

The Lord worked in each member of our team and the Lord gave us a blessed week.

Brian and Pearl Williams

Last Sunday night we had the privilege of having Brian and Pearl Williams share about their work in Vienna, Austria. We started supporting Brian and Pearl last year at this time. We are currently supporting them at a $100 a month and we praying if we should increase this amount for the coming year.

Brian and Pearl work at a Christian school where International Students come to be taught. For most of these students they are there for two years. In those two years the teachers at this school have a opportunities to share Christ with these students. Many of these students have accepted Christ.

Please be in prayer for Brian and Pearl as they will be flying back soon to start a new school year.