Saturday, May 31, 2008

Thanks for the Prayers

I returned home from China yesterday. My Discovery Trip was very rewarding and successful. Over the next several weeks I would like to tell you about my trip to China and about the people of China.

I do appreciate your prayers for me while I traveled to China. The day that I left for China I was very sick. The 13 hour flight over to China was trying and at times I wonder if I was going to make it. I knew that my church family was praying for me and I felt the Lord's presence as I went to this new frontier.

There was 57 people from the United States that went to China. We represented many of the states on this great country. None of us had met each other before so we had great time meeting new friends. Most of the group was younger than myself but it was good to see some of the energy and excitement that came from this group.

Yesterday, as I got back in Labelle I enjoy seeing some of you about town and I knew I was back home. As I look out at the people of Labelle, I'm grateful God has called me to serve him here in Labelle. I know this is my place of service but opportunities like going to China, help me broaden my vision and challenge me in ways that benefit my ministry. I just want to thank you for allowing me to go to China and your prayers for me and my family while I was away.


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