Saturday, September 13, 2008

A Great Work Day!

This morning we had a work day at the church to clear out our education rooms so we can tear down our old education building that has served us faithful for 50 years. I want to thank everyone who came out to help, your present and excitement towards what God is doing in our church is uplifting. As every one worked together we were able to complete all of our work that was schedule for two Saturdays in one.

We begin a new chapter, here at First Baptist Church. Tomorrow we will break ground on our new education building that will have over 8,800 square feet for us to use in the future. As we break ground tomorrow we also dedicate ourselves to be faithful to God and to pay for this new building as soon as possible. Tomorrow as we break ground we pray for all the workers who will work on this building and for their safety.

Today's activities reminded me of a church family that work's together and how we were able to get some much done in a short period of time. I want to thank all you who helped today, because you were a blessing to me.

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